Wednesday, May 03, 2006


Lots of things to do for my sucessive trips coming up, particularly when the paddling trip needs so much preparation beforehand but my PE outdoor camp ends the day before. Accumulated a long list of to-do tasks as time goes by today, it's calls and smses coming in all day long reminding me to do this and that. I'm almost packed for the rest of the week already preparing for stuff.

Here's my schedule then, for those who are interested -

8th - 11th May PESS outdoor camp
12th - 21st May Paddling trip up Tioman
24th - 16th June Trip to Sikkim, Bangkok

Will start my silly 5-week Teaching Practicum on 26th June after that, along with 4-5 nights of canoe polo training every week from then on till National Champs in August. My holidays are almost always much busier than my schooling days...

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