Wednesday, November 22, 2006

A dog's life.

That's a greedy dog obviously trying to act cute/pathetic so that the owner will give it some of the snack. The owner, of course, falls for the trick everytime. Some dog just knows how to play the sympathy card...

Here's the dilemma: Given the choice, will you choose to be:
  1. A dog, living in a good home and pampered with food and showered with attention everyday, with the family members all fawning over you; or
  2. A man, eking out a living in Calcutta, bathing at the public water pumps by the streets, sleeping by the pavements out in the open at night?
Come on, humour me and make your choice in the comments!


Anonymous said...

I need more choices here...

Wolfie said...

There's only one logical choice will you make the rational decision?

Anonymous said...

Since both are a dog's life then might as well live the life of a pampered dog lah... :p

Thats provided we can choose of course...