Monday, April 09, 2007

A week's break!


The right knee cellulitis of mine gave me an MC for the whole week, and I'm totally enjoying it. Today, I spent the day ripping my CDs into MP3s, came up with a list of CDs that I hope to get rid of, made the greenish kueh with the glutinuous rice base with my mum, and am now doing productive work still.

I actually got a NIE literature assignment due this friday, so this break can give me time to work on it. I also want to complete all the PE lesson plans that I need till the end of my Practicum. After which, I will need to complete part 2 of my lit assignment due next friday.

I will also be snacking on chips and shaking leg while working, playing badminton against the wall if I can, enjoy my music, and watch TV occasionally if I want hehe.

4 more days of this. Wonderful...

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