Thursday, September 14, 2006

Sports psychology

Reading for my silly 25% CA Sports psychology test made me reflect and came to some conclusions with regards to my own psychological profile when engaging in sports...

  1. When state (situational) anxiety hits me, my field of attention really gets drastically reduced. When I hold the polo ball in a big match, my peripheral vision just disappears. On any ordinary training day, I can easily survey my options and make considered decisions.
  2. I also experience a loss of muscular coordination in such a state - hand-to-hand passes are hard to perform.
  3. The multi-dimensional module of arousal and performance applies very well to me - state arousal can improve my performance only so long as I do not experience cognitive anxiety. I play to a high standard against better opponents so long as I do not feel very inferior to them.
I think I can be a very good polo player on my good days, if I only think that way.

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