Sunday, September 06, 2009


As always, James asks the most interesting questions: "Do you think you will fulfill your potential if you teach in an international school?"

Potential? What potential?

Why an international school? Never seriously thought about it...I suppose the pay will be better I guess, and the work load lighter perhaps? But I'm sure it comes with its own set of problems, like having to treat the students and parents like clients. Plus my innate ah-bengness might disagree with the environment, especially if I have to deal with bratty ang moh kids.

What exactly am I capable of anyway? I always want to inspire my kids and tell them that anything can be learnt and achieved with sufficient will, but as yet I have no grand dream to work on now. I'm just content (relieved?) to be able to do what's demanded of my job on time, and spend my own personal time vicariously for leisure. It's too demanding, inconceivable for me right now to strive towards personal goals in my out-of-office life.

ST featured this forex trader today who worked for 4 years, calculated that he'll never be able to be financially independent if he stayed on being a salaried worker, learnt to trade in currencies, and now earn USD $15k and beyond each month. Now that's someone with the strength to make life-changing decisions. 0

I'm far from that state of being right now, and I hope Alex can make it ahead of me first!

I just feel like languishing and dragging my feet along the education track for a while mroe...ironically, mindless drudgery can be easier than mustering courage to change.

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