Friday, September 29, 2006

Growing up

School is getting busy - there's no other reason why I'm up blogging now at this unearthly hour. I'm only blogging to indulge in a little act of defiant time-wasting, like I did a few years back in NUS watching the entire Matrix movie on my laptop 2 hours before my 9am final exam paper. Work dries up my brain juice and it didn't even cross my mind that I should periodically record the trivial blog-worthy thoughts that flashes and disappears a few times each day.

I'm now trying to write a paper for my NIE literature module, trying to argue that the promotion of transactional theory of literary comprehension is a thinly-veiled ideological cause which should be decried and has been shamelessly and unnecessarily advocated by the education industry. I haven't got much time because my weekend is bloody packed, and I walked around everyday tossing around and considering associated literary keywords in my mind. And the funny thing is, I'm just out to make a point here - the essay isn't and shouldn't be that hard to write, and after all I don't give a damn for the grade I'll get so long as it is a passing one. That says all about me - passion sometimes drives me too far.

Adulthood seems to be all about time management and priority-setting. I hope for excellence in different areas of my life and wish I can try out many other things, but so many things are impossible because time is a limited resource. Those management gurus who days that time is an abstract/artificial/flexible concept and that what you can do in a day is only limited by your imagination and desire, they're all liars. There is only so much time and energy I have.

When you enjoy so many things that life has to offer, how do you prioritise them?

1 comment:

laihsia said...

Live life forward.
