Monday, October 23, 2006


Don't know why documentaries on cabletv has been getting to me lately - was watching this one about the reintroduction of wolves into aboriginal lands in the US, and how a wildlife photographer following the wolves interacted with them for the final time before they lopped off to explore their new life in the wilderness. They acted like huge intelligent dogs, extending their paws out to him as a gesture of friendship and nuzzling him fondly. The photographer said he'll never forget them, and that's probably true. He had an empathy with these wild animals that few others on the planet can claim, and am undoubtedly touched by it.

How many of us can claim to have such profound life-changing experiences, that makes us realise that our lives has been worth living and not lived in vain? And where shall we go in search of them?

Well actually, I think a lot of people on this island would rather go in search of other things. To each their own - I'll look for my moments of epiphanies still. Experiences that make me walk on the streets, surveying the crowd, and think: I know what they all do not, and it is that.

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