Sunday, July 01, 2007

The sad state of paddling instructions

I had to follow my Odac kids along for their one and two star courses at Changi this weekend, and it was tortuous, to see proud incompetent fools wasting the school's money by giving pathetic paddling instructions. It is sad because this method of teaching is being perpetuated by the sea sports clubs since generations ago and will probably persist unless Water Venture collapses and ceases operation; otherwise these arrogant fools will go on to teach new batches of incompetent coaches who have no idea how poor their coaching is.

I am disagreeable with a hell lot of what they did over the past 2 days, but these are the things that irritates the hell out of me most -
  • 2 star course spends the entire first day revising 1 star skill - bloody waste of time. And the instructors don't even teach or give feedback, just asking them to show, and largely sitting back. Today 1 star the whole morning was spent on rescue, which was covered yesterday too. The teaching was apparently not over as they were still giving instructions when it should be a practice session, and many things were left unsaid such that the teaching was less than satisfactory.
  • Inexplicably, the kids were asked frequently to come back on shore when the instructors want to teach new skills. Why can't they do it on the water? It doesn't even feel like a kayaking course.
  • Primitive coaching content - they still teach sculling draw by asking kids to draw 'figure 8' in the water, which is useless and totally different from what the stroke should be like. One star coaches teach climbing in method for rescue when using large touring boats, and wonder why some kids can't do it (this technique is more suitable for low volume crafts).
  • Instructor never taught the kids to disembark, kids came in together in a crowd, got pushed sideways by the breaking waves, with the coach in front of them persistently shouting commands (no sense of shame is detected in them for neglecting to teach!).
  • This coach finished his one star skill revision with his group and had the kids sit on the beach watch the rest for more than half an hour till it's time to go back.
  • Coaches all like to fold their arms, bark out short abrupt lines which gives no pretense to be considered coaching instructions, and does not bother with asking questions for learning.
  • Group management takes up most of the time for both courses - for the one star, the coaches each have one kayak which they hold still in shallow water, and got the kids to clamber up one by one to show that they can recover back into the boat during rescue exercises. Effectively, that means that out of 4 hours, the activity time for each kid is 10 minutes of so.
And that's only for the first day. I was freaking irritated after the day and now hereby resolve that while I am in this school, no coaches except those that I trust will take my kids for courses. These fools think the world of themselves as paddling coaches but do not realise that under assessment by any PE-trained person, their courses will fail miserably. If you are a PE teacher, please think twice before sending your kids to these courses, contact me and I will give you my advice.

Where is the heart to want to share the passion for paddling, to infect the kids with a love of the water because it is fun? All these people want is to show off their own abilities and status as a coach (I don't know to whom, because to any discerning person, they are all terrible teachers), and probably treat anything else such as the teaching of skills to kids as obligations. Ignorant, arrogant fools!


Unknown said...

You should consider doing kayak teaching again. =)

Wolfie said...'s tough enough to teach 5 days a week. committing at least 2 weekend days to teach a course for a pittance does not compensate for the lack of a weekend break...

Teddybear, Rabbit and Grubby said...

that's quite true. kian wee also mentioned that before. coaching and earning so little is like doing a favour instead.

Anonymous said...

So now you know why the coaches there boh chup.

Wolfie said...

Nonono...they not bochup cos they are paid little. They think they are teaching the 'right' way, because that's how they are asked to teach. No one told them that they must always put the kids first, make the course fun above all, teach them some skills along the way, and help them grow.

Anonymous said...

Teach the kids yourself! Good for the kids, yourself AND the school! :)

Anonymous said...

Yeah loh! You are certified anyway!
Duh... your kind of pattern, u watch other people teach, sure vomit blood one. Might as well do it yourself. Else, use a blindfold. =)

Anonymous said...


Wolfie said...

Yup. Made plans and told my HOD and Principal I'll teach them myself from now. Will get my school affiliated with SCF, hire coaches i trust to help me, and rent or get boats.

Anonymous said...

Primitive... hahaha.. what a word...
well... All the best to you...