Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Keep a dog, lower your stress

It's always nice to come back and be welcomed by a dog, even though you don't really like to be licked all over on the legs. At least you know there's something who actually looks forward to you going home as much as yourself.

Here's Hockey in a fetal position during a rainstorm. He's such a furball isn't he?

And here's my cousin with her St.Bernard...it's really huge and quite ready to scare the wits our of anyone whom it doesn't know well, but apparently it's a darling for the family (so they say).

I'll actually think I'll like to keep a dog too, but it'll have to be smaller than Hockey of course. Something mid-sized will be nice, one that's intelligence and wouldn't bark at anything that moves. In the day, maybe it can play with Hockey till we come back to fetch it after work haha.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A Shih Tzu, or a Maltese perhaps? :)