Thursday, August 03, 2006

1st week of school

Well, so school has began again. It was a slow start, with my second subject's (literature) lessons not starting until the last week of August. Right now, only 3 modules to go for -
  1. Instructional Strategies - A continuation/repetition of instruction methods last semester. Same old thing all over, teach class management and planning, and then go teach outside in some school for last 4 weeks of module. But the tutor Mr Mohd Azhar, new to NIE, makes a very good impression, and hopefully he can constantly make us discover new learning points.
  2. Motor learning/Sports psychology - Two different topics lumped together, a lucky thing as both seems pretty tedious in many ways.
  3. Soccer - First lesson today, again by Azhar, is interesting, fun, and very tiring. He really practice what he preaches, throwing in learning points strategically while letting us play for a damn long time. My utmost respect to his teaching skills here, and I need to get my soccer skills on par with his expectations man (I suck lah).
Bad news: No recess week this term. Good news: Last week of lessons is end October, and exams is on 24th November, so I've got 3 full weeks to go for a long holiday before that! Woohoo! Now to find the moolah to finance that dream vacation...

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