Sunday, August 06, 2006

PE Paradise

In Instructional Strategies class, Mr. Azhar described a world where Physical Education is conducted in almost the best way possible. In that school, the students learn various skills with certification goals to assure competency at a certain level, such as swimming certifications progressively as they go through the secondary school levels, sports climbing level 1 etc. Each term, games will be taught and skill assessed at the end of the module, and a grade given which will be reflected in the report book (PE is considered an academic subject there; failure to pass it means failure to promote).

Of course, so far no students have failed it yet, as skill test is only one of the assessment component, and other things like sportsmanship, punctuality, turnout and bearing also count. Another reason is because students becomes so diligent and earnest in learning the skills taught in class due to a desire to perform well for better grades.

It proves my opinion right again - that the imposing of rigorous standards, assessment methods, performance benchmarks, all help to increase the standing and importance of PE for both students and teachers alike. In that school, all teachers are required to teach all that's inside the curriculum, meaning they must all be able to be assessors and certifiers of skills like swimming and climbing etc. Just imagine the energy the department will have, when PE is elevated in importance to the other academic subjects!

What a glorious thought...though schools like this are very few indeed in this land...

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