Monday, April 17, 2006

Sports electives in PESS

Here are the sports electives that we PE students have to choose from:

Rugby or Basketball
Swimming or Gymnastics
Badminton or Volleyball
Track & Field or Dance
Soccer or Netball
Hockey, Tennis or Softball

A few random thoughts on these choices...
  1. There isn't much use in learning things like swimming cos we'll still not be qualified to teach swimming in the future.
  2. If our rich independent school is serious about tennis, they will have employed proper coaches. If your school just play masak-masak tennis, we wouldn't need to take a course on it.
  3. Why are some 'Core' Singapore sports like table tennis and sailing, or 'merit' sports like sepak takraw and cuesports not in the list? (thought I can imagine the logistic problems haha)
  4. PE teachers should spend 3 years instead of 2 in NIE so that we can take all these modules instead of having to choose one or the other :p

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yeah rite, the more years the merrier rite? :p