Sunday, April 16, 2006

A week of paddling

Did 5 consecutive days of coaching in the weekdays and today was dragged out to paddle at sea again and still played canoe polo at night...what the hell right. I haven't coached a course that challenged me to design it entirely for a very long while, so the change was indeed refreshing. Everyone did well as expected, well-challenged by the course and learning lots from it I hope. I personally learnt a few more things that I can try out with other classes too, so all in all I'm glad I went to the trouble to organise it for the folks in school.


Anonymous said...

You mean now u also teach paddling in NIE?

Wolfie said...

Organised a course for the PE people and hosted it at PC...

Anonymous said...

I dun see u in the photo leh.

Wolfie said...

Yup, I didn't appear in this photo, or any other photos with the class in fact. That's what happen when you're the only with the camera, and the time to take pictures...