Wednesday, June 14, 2006

In Bangkok...

Here at an internet place in MBK, bangkok right now - the girls are at another place shopping on their own because me and Jamie, one of the quartet in our group, can't tolerate the physical torture of standing around while they are checking out clothes at the endless rows of shop.

It has been a good trip so far. Sikkim was an eye-opener, a country built entirely on hillside slopes, but pretty well-to-do because of the proper roads they have linking one place to another. Kolkata is messy, chaotic, super humid and sticky, but we got used to it eventually, and with the help of numerous airconditioned havens like restaurants, I grew to like its diverse sights so distant from the road scenes in Singapore. Bangkok here...well...what can I say - I only enjoy the cheap food; the only other cheap thing are clothes and that, I do not have much need of.

Haven't got the chance to do much shopping in India, only tried out their food here and there and such, so for those whom I said I'll get a copy of Karma Sutra for them, I'm sorry I didn't get it. Bought a few books though, and 3 CDs from this shop which had a good selection of classical stuff like Harmonia Mundi, cheap! Watched X-men 3 here in MBK, might be going Khao San tonight and this wholesaler market called Patunam or something tom. Gonna catch a few World Cup matches in the pub near Suk 11 too; the latter is still one great place to stay in, and everyone were impressed by its cleanliness and simplicity.

It's pretty noisy here with the games arcade behind me, so gonna go off now. Will post photos when I get back, and see some of you guys perhaps. See ya!

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