Sunday, December 23, 2007

Finding passion

Alex's blog points me to this 'One Week Job' project where this graduate wants to take on 52 jobs for a week each anywhere in the world, and donate the wages earned to charity while trying to find out what he is passionate about. His friend goes around with him on his job and together they produce a 10min video clip every week about his stint.

I don't think he'll be successful trying to find out what he might be passionate to work in, but he'll sure have a hell of an experience. I read the site materials and the blog and I get the impression that he's an earnest young man curious about the world and wanting to have the chance to see as much as he can out there, and it is just nice to read about such people's adventure, compared to the wasted lives of so many other silly ang mohs or the boring settled paths of young Singaporean adults.

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