Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Busy with expedition planning

The upcoming Laos river trip is really quite a major expedition. The gangleader has repeatedly told us to expect hiccups everywhere due to transport/access/logistic problems. The interesting thing about the trip is that we will be paddling through kilometers of caves, and that means it will be pitch dark inside. JB's got a friend to come up with some lighting system, but we'll need to improvise a stand for mounting onto our boats.

Meanwhile, I am doing other things
  • Trying to download a GPS map of Laos and get it installed in the set
  • Getting emergency camp food packets - I hope it comes on time from the US!
  • Packing all logistics for myself and JB
  • Planning for food - and both of us are fussy eaters!
Also, I need to create this mounting base for my downwind sail, something like this -

This improvisation is necessary because usually the cleats are fixed directly on hardshell kayaks by drilling through the deck and fixing it on; but for skin kayaks that's definitely not possible. It prevents the sail base from rubbing against the cloth deck and also adds rigidity to the whole setup so that the energy gained from the wind can be better transferred to forward motion (and not side-to-side rocking etc).

Whole lot of work - thankfully the holiday is here!

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