Saturday, January 17, 2009

Settling down?

There is an eerie calm in school, and I wonder when the storm will break out.

Somehow, I find myself able to feel pretty lax at work for the past week. No doubt there are things to be done, but I don't find myself chained to work at night, nor rushing to churn out things during the day. But that has not made my mind feel much more relaxed though. I'm just waiting for the work to hit me. Or could it be that I'm finally getting comfortable with my work life?

These days I'm actively corresponding to my renovator, helping to make small decisions about the wedding, and even squeezing out much time to try ways to rediscover an entire folder of pictures in my kaput hard disk. I'm just thinking when I'll be paying for the slackness, sigh.

It has been so long since I even thought about going back to climbing, skating, polo, sea paddling, and even playboating. Such a scatterbrain now, my attention is all over the place. My priorities are definitely changing. I'm growing up, I think.

But no time for pessimistic thoughts, it's gonna be CNY soon! A much looked-forward to holiday. I'm gonna mahjong day and night, if I could, and stuff myself with sinful snacks.

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