Sunday, April 19, 2009

Paddling future

It was really good to see my former group of coaches last week, and the reunion sort of draw me back in into a small paddling community again.

Some of us are still doing freelance work, a few on a regular basis. Some are in the outdoor industry, and some specifically in the paddling sports industry. For only a few, there is still things that they look forward to in terms of personal development and in how they can forward the industry's practices, while most others like me are just engaging with the sport on a recreational basis.

It does awaken some dreams in me though, perhaps bringing back memories of my former self who is industrious in acquiring personal skills development. One suggested to JB that there should be a level 3 course just for us because so many of us are stuck at level 2 for so long. I wouldn't want to be coaching freelance unless it's for my own students or my friends, but I guess it'll look good on paper for me.

More expeditions and trips? I think I'm really rather sedate now, and weekend getaways to malaysian rivers will simply stress me out if I have to work on Monday. I do look forward very much to sea expeditions though, and will want to go for the yearly folding kayak trips (and persuade you-know-who to go with me!)

Special trips - I do dream of going on a park-and-play playboating excursion on a river, compared to a river-running trip. Somewhere with a nice wave that you can try surfing on, and do wave moves. And of course, go kayak surfing! Somewhere on a cheap Indonesian island perhaps. If the whitewater stadium does appear on this island, I'll want to try slalom too.

Can't hurt to dream right? I think it's fortunate I got a bunch of friends who have time to get these lobangs for trips sometimes, and each trip really invigorates you for months.

1 comment:

u know who said...

u can try giving monetary me the moolah...