Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Sianness at work

I hope the next person who teaches 3NT next year finds my English Scheme of Work plans usable, but that'll be a bit too much to hope for I think. I am right now reading what my predescessor wrote just to find out what one looks like, and I got to churn out 7 modules roughly detailing the content of every English lesson next year by next Tuesday.

I think once people grow older they start getting more apathetic about a lot of things, things that they would be passionate about in their younger days. I don't hate my job and I find it interesting, but once out of school I try hard to keep all thoughts of it out of my private life. I can't really be passionate about anything I do in school for the moment, or maybe it's because I don't have much of a stake in the school as yet.

It isn't fun to work under a leadership crew that you don't feel comfortable with too. Silly admin issues and ways of running things, and general negative vibes emanating from certain leaders, just makes me feel that I don't want to stay in a school's team for long. But a future career option of going to MOE HQ seems like just an escape option rather than something I want to achieve. I guess at this moment of time, I don't really feel like achieving anything.

Also dunno what I'm writing about. Basically I'm just trying to procrastinate, and I think that's about the best thing I do in the office.

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jayenems said...
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