Tuesday, April 08, 2008


I can't help it, but amidst the excitement of waiting for my boat to come, I would sometimes wonder if that can really make me much happier, in any sense of the word. I mean it's such a big dream of mine to be able to paddle independently anywhere I can access, and now that I have the means to do so, how much happier will that make me? And inevitably this line of self-questioning will lead on to some really heavy existential questions on the purpose and meaning of happiness and existence... I must be crazy.

And I was just thinking of all the opportunities we get in our lives. I believe that everyone can make changes to their lives and can go down the way they want, so long as the goals are not too far-fetched (and even then that might not be impossible). But still, life opportunities does so much to help or limit our advancement. There are new teachers in other schools who are marked to be HODs and subject heads etc simply because the school happens to have a position there which requires someone to take over; in these situations, it's quite silly to insist that work ability is the main deciding factor in whether these newbies get the job eventually. Schools will make all sorts of ridiculous arrangements to fill the gaps and allow the system to carry on running.

So, what sort of opportunities will I find next year? Who the hell will know right. Any new posting for me will last for 3 years, and if I end up somewhere where I'm not satisfied it'll be 3 years spent away from my goal.

I haven't heard much about other places, but so far I've yet to hear of a good P who have big and realistic goals and can actually introduce drastic and effective changes to propel the school towards them. I haven't been unhappy about my boss for quite a while, but still I know I should go somewhere else to save myself the agony of working in an environment which only pays lip service to positive changes.


Anonymous said...

Yes, its all about opportunities. Kinda have to be at the right place at the right time and do the right thing in front of the right people.... the list goes on...

Wolfie said...

Yah loh...so elusive huh. Kind of makes you believe in fate and predestination. Unless of course you firmly set yourself in wayang mode everyday and always on the lookout for the best boots to lick.

Anonymous said...

Yeah some people lick boots for a living and do very well... Hehe...!

Fate and predestination, will you back down to them???

And yes, to the 1st half of your post, you are crazy.