Tuesday, May 13, 2008


Today, under duress to reach school before 7am, I ended up finishing the 6km cycle to school within 16 mins! 19 minutes is a very comfortable time, and when I first started riding to school and trying to see how fast I can push myself I finish at 17-18mins. And now I got record speed without even trying very hard!

This made me realised that a fast cadence is indeed the key to better efficiency. If you're a monster maybe you can crank up all the hills on my route, but when I do that I usually find myself strangely losing all power the moment the slope is conquered and I reach the flats! Now I make myself sit in the saddle and spin easier instead, and that is definitely working much better. I do know that I need to learn how to spin smoother at a fast cadence.

The same thing probably applies to paddling, as people who uses the greenland paddle will attest to.

The small and very elongated 'blade' promotes a high cadence and low angle paddling style, versus the use of european-style paddle with larger blades that demands more power and usually wielded at a lower cadence.

But then again, I can't get used to paddling with low angle strokes still, try as I may. In a way, it's satisfying to put in power into the stroke too. I wouldn't miss the chance to try one of these though, given the opportunity.

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