Monday, May 26, 2008

Holiday season is in!

Today - First day of the holiday!

I woke up close to mid-day today, and basically lazed the day away. It was damn shiok, and I even had those aching feeling in my muscles which you get when you sleep too much. Alas I can't run away from school totally and have to go back on Wednesday for a while to settle some small niggling matters. It is bad luck for me having to remove my wisdom tooth this Thursday too, but guess it isn't that nice to take a week's MC for it also la.

Next week will see me attending a 3 day Outdoor Education Conference, and then off to Hong Kong! When I return on the 12th, that's already like half the holiday gone sigh. Just gonna climb and paddle as much as I can before school starts.

Actually, I have a secret hope that I'll accomplish something tangible in this holiday. It can be anything from building up my Gundam model or creating several great wet weather PE lessons, but yah, I just hope the holiday don't just wheeze by without me having anything to show how I passed the time.

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