Wednesday, September 26, 2007

The inner life

Just a thought -
  • Do people who are more angsty or who stores up more problems within themselves generally considered to have a deeper 'inner life', compared to someone who is more carefree and happy-go-lucky?
  • Do introverts tend to be thought of as having a richer 'inner life' compared to extroverts who show their hearts on their sleeves?
It seems strange to me that the term 'inner life' seems to have a slightly positive connotation, to mean that someone has depth of character, when frequently they are applied to introverts or people with emotional problems. As if the happy extroverts out there are all somewhat shallow. Not generalising anything here, just my own perception of some word definitions here.

Not sure why this popped up in my mind too. Anyway, writing about anything else is much preferably than for me to spell out the tedious tasks I do each day.

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