Sunday, September 30, 2007

Lazy sunday

Woke up really late just now, past 1pm, and I have been feeling like crap now. Sleeping too much makes your muscles sore and limbs tired; I should have set the alarm, but I didn't expect myself to sleep for so long past my usual waking hours.

Trying to mark a report writing test now, with terrible language errors every other script that I come across, doesn't exactly make things better.

This is the only year when I didn't look forward expectantly to the arrival of the mooncake festival, for the chance to gobble down those sweet cakes all month long. They don't make it like they used to. Mooncakes now have anorexic layers of the fragrant baked crusts, and are only choked full of the sickly sweet paste.

My favourite yam paste crispy skin mooncake with yolks is hardly found anywhere, and the only one that I tried was too sweet, with the paste the same texture as those white lotus etc paste and not of the rough grainy texture that it should have. Disappointing. Anyone have any good recommendations of good 'traditional' mooncakes to share, before the season ends?

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