Tuesday, February 27, 2007

You are what you eat

Better teach your kids to eat healthy next time, cos the restaurants outside sure ain't gonna do that for you. Monstrously rich (in calories) dishes and meals are appearing on the food menus in USA, and with the appearance of Carl Junior fastfood restaurants etc, such food is gonna come into Singapore very soon I think. This report says that
"Some American restaurant chains have menus that contain 2,000-calorie appetizers, 2,000-calorie main courses and 1,700-calorie desserts"

Everyone should consume around, 1,500-2,000 calories a day? Meaning that unless you want a quick fix and consume 1 dish in place of meals for the rest of the day, avoid these monstrous foods like the plague. But then again, you will fail to consume essential enough nutrients for the day by eating a single dish.

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