Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Earth Day part II

Read this interesting article about how the monthly movement of the European Parliament between places for meetings produces huge amount of carbon dioxide emissions from the need to operate the different venues. And interestingly, this was published on the day the parliament was supposed to set up a committee to tackle climate changes.

Isn't it interesting how something like having different meeting places can produce such extensive consequences? Think for example, what happens when you choose to throw paper waste (or even worse things) into the toilet bowl instead of the waste bin. It gets flushed down and produced more sewage which needs to be treated, thereby wasting unnecessary energy which wastes taxpayer's money and contribute to carbon emission. More treated sewage will be discharged out to sea, and some which are cannot be degraded like plastic will litter the beaches all over. And we all know what plastic out at sea does for the marine environment.

The situation is exacerbated when you go to developing countries to enjoy their beaches and you do the exact same thing in the beach resort. Many places do not treat their sewage before discharging them out quietly into the sea somewhere - think about that when you take a dip into the nice green and supposedly clean waters.

In our world today, where everyone live so densely together and when the world is bursting at the seams with people, small actions by each individual can contribute to huge problems. If everyone throws a single piece of plastic bag away each day, if everyone leaves the tap flowing for 10mins more everyday etc, the effect is immeasurable. So, be empowered with knowledge and be sensible enough to think for the world at large.

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