Monday, April 23, 2007

Earth Day!

It's Earth Day!

In my opinion, everyday should be Earth Day. That means we should be taking steps to reduce waste and energy consumption, no matter how small the effort is. Any way to help at all is significant, and if others see you go out of your way to help Earth's cause, you will impress them about the seriousness of the issue and how everyone should chip in to help.

That also means NTUC should get people to pay for plastic bags everyday instead of just once a month. To all those absurd people who argues that they can't bring so many bags to put their groceries in - if you have the intention to go for a big grocery shopping trip, why can't you make the necessary preparations? Kudos to Ikea for making people realise that plastics comes at a price, not only for them but also for the environment.

Visit Earthday Network and promote the cause!

Google gives us an ominous warning for not helping Earth out on their search page.

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