Sunday, April 08, 2007

Save the Earth!

It is long overdue, but I finally got to watch The Inconvenient Truth just now. Some take-away lessons:
  • Save every watt of energy you can - switch off appliances, change to fluorescent bulbs etc.
  • Try to cycle or walk anywhere - Kids in Nepal walk hours to and from school, so what's the problem...
  • Try not to get a car at all if possible. Or get a 'green' car.
  • Try not to have kids - this is to reduce impact on environment, and also that you don't let poor kids face Nature's wrath.

I had a revelation yesterday - when we talk about saving water in Singapore, isn't it actually about saving energy? We get all our potable water from rainwater, desalination plants or Newater technology, so isn't it really about saving potable water because they consume energy to become potable? No one talks about saving rainwater right, unless you want to do that to save your own water bills. This is what we can do:
  • Try to wash utensils together - Many people waste large amount of water washing a single cup just so that they can use it to drink a few sips; and after that they will wash it again!
  • Shave less.
  • Bear with the stink and flush less.
  • Take quick showers! Girls particularly take really long showers; to counter this...
  • Girls should keep short hair for the sake of the environment.
And of course, for couples: Bath together!

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