Monday, April 30, 2007

More on MBTI

Read this about what the MBTI has to say about my supposed type:
People with ENTJ preferences are natural leaders and organization builders. They conceptualize and theorize readily and translate possibilities into plans to achieve short-term and long-term objectives. They readily see illogical and inefficient procedures and feel a strong urge to correct them - to organize people and situations to get them moving in the right direction.
I guess everyone have their pet peeves, and the above pretty much sums up mine. Clearly, everyone will like to work in an efficient environment, do the necessary in the best way with the least effort, and therefore I can't help but want to make things better if I see inefficient policies in the system, even if all these things were here before I came into this environment.

Similarly, I cannot help but want to impress upon my students how important it is to get a quality education in school and do well at this level. I sound like the prophet of doom while the kids, of course, live their lives merrily, and can't be bothered to ask themselves why they even bother to be in school everyday.

It is frustrating, but that's the way it is. In both situations, change comes very slowly if at all, and all one can do is to keep trying to make small differences in our own sphere of influence.

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