Friday, April 06, 2007


After that bike accident a while back, my right knee suddenly got swollen on tuesday night, and it became painful to rest my weight on it, and too stiff to flex comfortably. Nevertheless, I still went to school because the PE department is busy with NAPFA and I didn't want anyone to cover my class for frisbee lesson since I did not send the lesson plan to anyone.

I hobbled around the school for the day, got throbbing pains when I try standing after being seated, but I survived the day somehow, even staying back to make sure some of my recalcitrant kids finish their literature assignment properly. I got to the AMK polyclinic close to its closing hour, and the doctor referred me to Alexandra hospital because an X-ray needs to be done and the clinic's diagnostic section is closed already. So I went AH, the doctor said it is probably 'septic arthritis' (internal inflammation), and X-ray confirmed that it is not a fracture. I was to be warded for observation to see if I respond to 'an aggressive course of antibiotics'. Here's my knees when I got my bed finally -

It is huge - the picture doesn't do justice to its size. Anyway, Karen went out to tabao Subway since I can't go out of there already, and I slept pretty early after she left. Which is fortunate because the hospital's day starts at 7+ am, and they woke me up just to change the sheets, and breakfast is served at 8am.

Hospital food is pretty good actually, though the quantity is paltry for me; here's the lunch for me on Thursday. I had fish fillet in mango sauce this afternoon, that was yummy too.

It's a pretty pointless life in hospital, you just slack the whole day in bed and get interrupted occasionally to feed and visit the toilet. I finished Jodi Picoult's Songs of the Humpback Whale before I sleep after starting on it after lunch. Man, with the imposed self-reflection time, I pity those people who lacks an intellectual life and cannot appreciate the arts - it is a reminder for us all to visit our ah gongs and ah mas if they are in hospital. I also read through 8 days twice, thought of an ultimate 300 day travelling route and budget, tried to do some personal goal-setting, and folded origami pieces from 3-inch squares.

What a way to spend the last long weekend of the year.

(P.S. Read about my right knee 'cellulitis' here.)


Anonymous said...

walau. this post is downright depressing. THE LAST LONG WEEKEND! sigh.

and of course I am concerned about you too my friend! hee.. hope you are doing ok. i'm sure you will be up and bounding around again. take care! :)


Wolfie said...

Thanks ah thanks...thought the pic of my swollen leg will be more enduring than that notice about the last long weekend thingy...hrmph!