Wednesday, March 19, 2008


My dear principal just postponed my CCA camp again till the end of the year. And my English HOD wants to shut down CCAs for next week so that English teachers can go for some workshop. The P just grilled my HOD for 4 hours yesterday on NAPFA results etc etc, but ultimately it's all about her trying to emphasise that all this school cares about this year is the academic results.

She is the one who does not see the big picture! You don't try to get students to be eager learners by getting them to do assessment work every week. You are not thinking of their physical and mental health if you prevent them from having quality PE lessons (for just 40 pathetic minutes each week) and CCA activities.

Just shut down my department la. 4 more terms before I go, should start countdown already.

1 comment:

Runnaholic-foodie said...

hey YH ! cheer up dude! Dont let this get you down.. Just do what you can lah.. if the management wants their way then just let it be.. Find a school that matches ur ambitions and goals.. Cheers!
