Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Guard your own thoughts

Mr Brown recently noticed that headlines in the Straits Times online portal changes real fast. On an article on the current inflation rate, there were 2 changes to the headlines within the hour or so, each sounding more positive with every revision.

A reader with real insight commented there:

"Nowadays all the bad news becomes good news.

GST to help the poors.
ERP helps u own cars.
Less pay will retain jobs.
Frozen meat is good for health.

This country is evolving to a paradise.
Deities and angels are migrating over here."

This is what Orwell warned us about in 1984, how the political like to encourage 'doublethink'. In fact, doublespeak is everywhere in our dear local paper, with the negative negated and changed to reflect a dubious positive.

I think I should start teaching students how to read newspapers critically in my classes so that they don't end up being dumb citizens without opinions and critical thought.

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