Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Paddle monster

I broke another paddle again! Was practicing to floop in the T1 yesterday when that happened. I bounced and jumped over, and while I pushed on the paddle underwater to force my legs over, it broke cleanly at the shaft. All in all, I killed about 4-5 paddles already. Hope my Werner will never meet such a fate. Anyway, how am I supposed to playboat now? Have to get something fixed up again - I loath to buy a new paddle just for the occasional playboat practice. I'm very near to nailing the floop in the T1, will want to keep on trying.

Had throat inflammation and seen the doctor for medication and a MC yesterday. Now I'm slacking at home not really doing anything, nor did I particularly enjoy this break. But guess it's just good to not have to shout at people in school. Man, just breathing in smoke from the kitchen already irritates my throat to no end.

Much to do before the holidays. Damn other teachers can go on leave from Nov 15, and I'll be doing CCA events and trips till end Nov. I need a good recharge then.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Paddle batterer....