Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Parents parents parents

Well after my last post about calling parents up, it's a coincidence that I had to attend this MOE course on 'Relating well with parents in the school context' yesterday. Nothing much about it - the speaker just try to convince us that it is good to establish partnership etc. I posed my questions about what teachers should expect parents to do, and the answer is basically that we lay out the consequences of negative actions to them, and try to suggest solutions.

Today, one of my kid's parents have to come down to school for interview too. Kid feels restricted and wants to rebel, and parents feel outraged and goes down harder on poor kid. In such a battle, it is really hard for them to see the good things in each other's actions and intentions, and so the domestic battle will probably lasts. Sigh. What to do?

Again, teaching in a neighbourhood school makes me realise that there are many families in Singapore who are ill-prepared for parenthood in different ways, and the child's behaviour and academic performance reflects that.

And because of this, I think many teachers are not really supportive of the government's idea of wanting to boost birth rates, unless Singaporeans becomes more sensible parents and have the means to support their child in all ways.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

courses on parenting can be made available more widely. like how u have to attend a course if u wanna employ a maid...

i do agree that i'm definitely turned off having kids after looking at some of the kids in my sch as well....similar sentiments fr another colleagues. i just know that i dun wanna spend time and effort on them when one day they would be rude to me.