Saturday, August 30, 2008

Teachers' Day

This is a day which makes me wonder if, as Prufrock said, "would it have been worth it, after all", to stay as a teacher for long. The kids suddenly all become angelic and nice on the day, and everyone is in some sort of airy-fairy mood.

I must have the weirdest response to the day. As with last year, I start the day pondering about the significance of the day, if we teachers are really the miracle workers we are said to be (everyone will like us to be, but most of the time they are sorely disappointed). When students come up to give me cards or presents, I feel an immense sense of embarrassment, and receiving anything at all makes me wonder if I deserve it. At the same time, I am very appreciative of their small gestures but do not know how to show it except to say the obligatory 'thank you' to students. I wonder how they feel, overcoming shyness to get something for a teacher, standing up from the class line and approaching the teacher, pass over the gift and only hearing a 'thank you' and a sheepish smile from the teacher, before going back to the class wondering if it was worth all the effort.

I believe in the transformative power of teachers, and I think it is a good occasion after all, to have one day when people remember our efforts. I just think that perhaps I'm too embarrassed by such public display of affections on the day.


Samantha said...
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Anonymous said...

well, at least you got something. better than the embarrassment of watching all your colleagues get stuff while nothing comes to you. :)

perhaps that only happens to the discipline master/mistress. :)

Wolfie said...

......I don't think I really mind at all...

Anonymous said...

Happy Belated Teachers' Day! :D