Wednesday, February 20, 2008

An unfortunate epiphany

Walking down the corridors of my school today, I suddenly realised that I really hate this job. In one good day, I bore grudges against the students, school leaders, parents and the work I do, all at once. A student is unrepentently disruptive and sneakily hide behind mummy's back to proclaim his innocence and counter that I used vulgarities in class! And others who refused to take part in an enrichment program of my school, which irritates me because I am collecting the consent forms and have to eventually call them one by one.

Protective mummy had defended idiotic kid for every bloody thing despite the so many complaints against the kid from different people in school. Another mummy wrote outright rude comments that sounded like a primary school kid's outburst on the enrichment program consent form.

My P and VP wanted to cancelled my CCA's anticipated camp, citing silly reasons like the students and teachers will be overtaxed and will end up taking MCs. They want to achieve the national grade for CCA scores, but come up with all sorts of ridiculous limitations to hinder my HOD's effort to try achieve that in an effort to show thoroughly unnecessary 'welfare' for students. They are going to let kids who skip CCAs 90% of the time for 3 years get a passing grade by just helping out for 1 day out of a 3 day CCA camp.

My work consists of handling large amount of paperwork, going for long and tedious meetings, calling up parents for all sorts of silly reasons unrelated to students' academic performances, and having to do silly things like organise games for staffs who are all equally taxed and have no desire to waste time playing in school.

I hate to wake up at 6am, and cycle to school 15 mins later. I hate to spend 15 mins after I reach school to set up the badminton court for my PE lesson, and end up feeling stressed and hungry without breakfast at the start of the day.

For the first time in my life, I am unashamed to say that today, I am in this job for the money, nothing more.


Anonymous said...

Pls do not go without breakfast. You must first take care of yourself before you can do others.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps... before you decide to quit the job, try changing the school. Go to a JC or a better secondary school.

Only if that didn't help, then maybe you can consider changing job... :)

Anonymous said...

I don't think there's anything wrong with wanting to change jobs. But I'll say that you probably are not in a very conducive school when it comes to staff development. Its the same everywhere, you kinda needs a boss who will groom you and give you chances... Else, you realy ought to just change the boss... :p

Anonymous said...

Or become the boss. =)

Wolfie said...

Well, need to do another year in this school at least. See how it goes in the future loh...maybe the management will change...also dunno...