Saturday, February 18, 2006


Cycled out of school with my roommate, wanting to go visit a few nearby bike shops to just get a cheap bike stand and fix up a problem with the cleats on my cycling shoes. My roommate ended up ordering a pair of cycling shoes himself with a shop at freaking Thomson road, and despite the very heavy rain that started while we were at Jurong East, I was somehow persuaded by him to pick that up there and then, pedaling that far through the stormy wetness of the late noon.

I got to admit that among all the sports that I do, cycling must be the most dangerous of them all. I had paddled in waters with 2 metre waves and climbed 30 metre natural climbing routes, but nothing beats cycling among the traffic of our familiar streets in terms of hazards. When I fly downhill and approachs 40km/h, I'll always start wondering when I will accidentally slip on gravel or the wet ground, lose control and fly through the air with my bike (yes, that will happen because I'm clipped into the pedals). It takes intense concentration to pedal in disciplined fashion on the double yellow lines for tens of kilometres, and on busy stretches I wonder when a vehicle might graze my shoulder with the side mirrors and make me crash.

Then again, being on your toes always to focus solely on the road, and the urge to keep up a fast speed to hear the rushing wind, provide me with an endless supply of adrenaline. To relax and feel tired satisfaction after a long ride...bliss!

1 comment:

laihsia said...

I totally agree. The 600km+++ from Hatyai to Phuket was ridiculous with the sun and distance but at the end of the day, the experience was worth it.