Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Irritating day...

Today irritated me to no end, perhaps starting with my lack of sleep.

- Badminton class: Played my table's final match with Sher Chong, with lunch in my stomach still and my strokes strange and unfamiliar, hardly able to keep up a rally beyond 4-5 returns. Played nonetheless, and hit the shuttle out of court so often that I gifted him with straight points. Strings were so loose I had to align them after every point, and halfway through the string broke. Lost to him eventually 14-9; all credits to him for his composure, but I know I can do so much better.

- Talking about the camp after that made me irritated again - I'm pissed to no end with people asking me to plan for an activity when they have no idea what they want out of it themselves. Gonna just crap out a plan and execute it, good riddance. This PESS camp is a screwed up idea. I can't wait to hear what they are gonna teach us for the lectures.

- Having done an hour of crapping for the anatomy lab manuals, I discovered that there is a third manual which I missed and didn't do. I'm already fed up with having to do everything in the manuals which she did not go through with us, and now there's even more? Fuck it. I handed up what I had and refuse to print and copy answers for the 3rd lab.

Thankfully Qin Li-Wei's cello recital was worth my time, and he generously played 3 encores after the already substantial programme. Bravo!

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