Wednesday, March 08, 2006

'Storming' process of teambuilding

Recently went for two trainings with the school's polo team, and realised that they really are improving, as one of my friend said in urging me to join them again. Now the drills done are more sensible, there is constant feedback and discussion after each drill and game, a lot more talking where people are trashing things out. Last week one weak point noted was that passing and receiving the ball from the sides are problematic for most of us, a drill was suggested, and we really got down to trying it this week - this active approach to building better training sessions is impressing me.

Today we played 4 Vs 4 mini games, each side taking turns to attack and defend only for a period of time. Most offensive efforts were ineffective; boats charged in and find it hard to get out, defenders crowded around the keeping area and space for a clear shot is still not available, ball is not recycled well, lack of initiative to drive in, very jerky game progression etc etc. But it's enough for me to see that everyone is aware of the problem and actively tries to talk it out and give feedback bit by bit to try make every subsequent attempt a bit better.

I regret that I wasn't able to make this attitude set in earlier, I don't know what caused this change in attitude either, but they are making me interested again. Thanks guys if you read this, that's the way to go...

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