Saturday, December 09, 2006

Movie Review: A Battle of Wits

Do catch this movie before it closes real soon! I thought it will be a intriguing movie about war strategising, but it turns out to be a very thoughtful movie which delivers quite a bit of ideas for you to mull over. Karen didn't liked it because it left her heart heavy, so be forewarned, it's not a movie for mere entertainment.

Anyway, Andy Lau's character plays an admirable role model in the movie, a person who is against warfare but who empowers himself to engage in the issue in order to end it peacefully. Think we can all take a lesson from that - too often you'll hear people complain about their predicaments in the workplace etc without seeing them taking affirmative action to see things done right. As Ge Li says: "Freedom is valuable only if you have to fight for it."

And there's certainly one great unjust war that raged out of control currently. With 20/20 hindsight now, everyone could see how ridiculous that war was, and the ****** (substitute your own word here) who started it can only parrot catchphrases like "We will prevail" to all the problems that the war ignited. Perhaps the only good that can come out of this debacle is that instead of merely voicing out disapproval, the world can take firm actions to stop such rogue powers from starting new wars again. As is often said, it only takes good men to do nothing for evil to 'prevail'.

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