Thursday, December 14, 2006

Rain rain

I wake up at noon everyday, and look out of the window to see dark clouds shrouding the area. I want to cycle so much! And so I braved the rain, cycling out when a drizzle has already started yesterday evening. 1 minute later, it poured so heavily I had to stop at the void deck of a block to let the worst of it blow over. Totally drenched.

After badminton, I went over Sengkang to look for Roland - after a drink, the sky poured again! I tried to cycle through it but ended up at a bus stop a street away because the rain and wind made it too cold to cycle. I huddled under the flimsy shelter for 20 minutes before carrying on, and eventually realised that it was totally dry just 1km down the road.

Argh! It's starting again!

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