Thursday, February 09, 2006

Sea touring...

Had supper with Junbin on monday night, and we talked about sea touring inevitably - of dreams of getting my foldable kayak, bringing it to paddle and whale watch in the cold seas of Alaska, maybe visiting Halong bay in Vietnam this december for a start etc. We're truly damn one kind I think, not many like us in Singapore, who have dreams of seeing the world from the cockpit of a boat.

It's a wonderful view of the world from the sea...mostly silent, usually isolated, and giving you a perspective that puts you in awe of nature and make you want to stay within its watery folds. You will see things that most others will not see, watching from the land (have you not, seeing kayakers paddling by, ever thought about how you will be seen by them from out there?).

Kayak touring is addictive, I get hooked straight from my first experience. I can exercise and feel strong out at sea paddling my craft, enjoy the scenery and seeing the sky and water meet, and at night rest and reflect on the day and on my own thoughts.

I can feel the wind on my face...

See the sun descend from the sky...

Ponder about life under the unearthly beauty of the moon...

And see the sun rise again the next day in glorious fashion.

Like many outdoor adventures, sea touring help to remind you of the beauty of this world, cleanse your spirit of negativity, and recharge you for more challenges ahead. Getting a foldable boat is the key to further adventures like these, and I know these are experiences that I cannot do without.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Alamak, your beautiful sunrise sengek lor... :p