Thursday, January 04, 2007

The New Year post

Well well, it's the start of the new year, and so let me try to look ahead and see what's in store for my personal growth. Yes, some random rants again...
  1. Ok first of all - I'm looking forward to the academic term. The holidays get boring after a while, and I kind of miss the hectic schedule, the games and the fun, the snacking in between the games before rushing off to class etc.
  2. Looking forward to studying sports physiology and fitness & conditioning, 2 topics of sports science which is highly relevant to me.
  3. And I am no less excited about practicum too - no anxieties of all I assure you. Simply thrilled to try put theory into praxis and of course, elated if I do go to the school that I want to be in.
Some resolutions:
  1. Play my badminton games properly and end up a noticeably much better player by mid-year.
  2. Skate with ease and attempt some good moves by the same time too.
  3. Get my driving license by mid year.
  4. Take care of my canoe polo juniors and make them good enough to achieve their set team goals by the end of the competition season.
  5. Save $300 a month.
  6. Do professional readings and make notes on topics that will be of use.
  7. Weight the worth of arguing about certain things and not agitate myself too much.
  8. Always, always keep cool and go for the considered response when dealing with kids.
Erm, that's as far as I am ready to commit ha. I'm pretty much an impulsive character la, so goals are pretty much short term.

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